Air Duct Cleaning Portola Valley



It is easy to obtain helpful information on air duct cleaning and protection. Read this FAQ page to get started.

Obtain valuable information on air duct cleaning from this dedicated page. The answers to the most common questions presented below are clear and thorough. Learn why and how you can keep your air ducts in good condition for long years to come.

Why must air ducts be insulated?

When air ducts are insulated, people enjoy better temperatures in the house. Air ducts are installed in places which are not heated (basement or attic). Air passing through the ducts will be affected by the temperatures of the duct walls. If they are insulated, air is kept at the right temperatures and you will not experience energy loss. This is one good reason why old air duct replacement is crucial.

What causes inefficient operation of the HVAC system?

The two most common problems are the accumulation of dust and dirt inside the system, and dust and leakage in the ducts. In both cases, timely action is required. The contaminants must be removed. Our technicians explain that protective coating can be applied for reducing the risk of future contamination. Leaks must be sealed with a strong and durable material.

How often should I have my air ducts cleaned?

In general, every three to five years. However, it should be done more frequently in case of heavy dust or pollution.

Does air duct cleaning help to prevent mold in the future?

The purpose of cleaning is to eliminate existing mold growth. To prevent future occurrence, you need to eliminate the cause of the problem. Sealing any leaks will prevent moisture from getting into the air ducts. Insulation will help to prevent condensation. The setup of a UV cleanser inside the air ducts is also an effective solution.

Why is it a bad idea to use plastic or foil dryer ducts?

Their most serious drawback is that they are potentially dangerous. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, they are more likely to trap lint compared to their metal counterparts. This means that they can get clogged more quickly and this naturally increases the risk of fire. What’s worse is that these ducts can burn and therefore spread the fire which occurs inside them.

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Veteran Air Duct Technicians Capable Of Any Service
Call Now: 650-653-7759

Air Duct Cleaning Portola Valley, 650-653-7759, South Castanya Way, Portola Valley, California, 94028,